Friday, November 9, 2007

Just for fun

I came across this test for the blog. Apparently the Hawk's write on a less educated level than the Powers -because that blog got a higher reading level.

So do we feel smart or insulted? I say we go beat them up. (That seems like the Jr. High thing to do.)

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Ryan E. D. Hawk said...

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the nature of the previous post either. You're dragging us down, Tina . . . dragging us down.


Ryan E. D. Hawk said...

Try this one on for size:

Yeah, that's right. It ain't my fault. Or should I say "The demise of this forgone calamity rests not as a burden upon my dignity. One might say that the author of the directed column upon which thou readest bears himself upon such high levels of genius beyond that which his bloodline could endeavor to attain."

(why do you think they gave me two middle names?)

Ryan Edward David Hawk, Esquire

Tina said...

Genius????? Really????? Oh, that is too funny!! Ryan and genius in the same sentence! That will keep my giggling through the weekend! I tested Buff's blog and it only got a college/ grad level - and it has more words!

What has this world come to??

Tina said...

I forgot to say that it couldn't be my fault - because my posts are identical on both blogs. It has to be the other writers.

Sorry, Kerry. I think it must be you! (Dave doesn't post enough to point the blame in that direction - and Ryan, well, apparently he's a genius. I have a feeling he won't let us forget that!)

Kerry said...

It can not be me. I am smart. See, Kerry is smart. Kerry can write. Kerry can write well. It must be Tina. Tina writes more. See, Tina writes the most. I think it is Tina. It can not be Kerry. Kerry is smart.

Sorry... I've been reading with Kailyn too much in those first grade readers. I'm sorry, Tina... I think it's you. Tally up the number of entries and you win by a long shot. You've got the most words here, and well... I'm with Ryan and Dave... this can't be our fault. No way.

I think I have a solution, though. I remember doing curriculum evaluations in college to determine reading level. Doesn't it have something to do with the number of words in a sentence and the number of commas and semicolons...? Just add a bunch of words and punctuation and you should jump at least a level or so.

Ryan... what's an esquire? If you get a title how come I don't have one, too?