Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Vocabulary Lesson

Carra has developed a reputation with the medical field for being a bit of an impossible child. She is generally not very cooperative which means she is not soon forgotten. Seriously, do not mess with this girl when she is in pain.

She turned 5 this month and so was due for her 5 year immunizations. Four shots. Lots of fun.

I talked to her about it and she said she would do it - and do it she did. She hugged her daddy's neck, closed her eyes, clenched her teeth - and didn't make a peep. We were all very proud of her.

That was two weeks ago.

Today she throws me one out of the blue.

"Mom, you remember all my shots?"

"Yes, Carra, you were very brave."

"Well, Mom, I'll have you know that it hurt all the way to my scubbles."

"Your scubbles?"

"Do you know what your scubbles are, Mom?"

"Nope, never heard of them."

"Your scubbles is the skin on your eyeballs."

Thanks, Carra, I needed a good giggle!

1 comment:

Crazy Mom said...

I laughed out loud at that one! Thanks! :)