Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All she wants for Christmas--Four front teeth!

Now this is really rather freakish... but too good not to share.

All Kailyn wants for Christmas is to lose her two front teeth... "Why?" you ask?

Because she has four!

Really... look at the picture. She has four front teeth! Her dentist assures me it is very normal and very common. All will come out and find their rightful place in time, apparently.
It just looks very weird. She looks rather hick right now because the two baby teeth are very loose and are sticking out. When she smiles she has buck teeth.

Just had to share!


Tina said...

I would say something about mutated genes, but I think that one could turn on me somehow.

Frankly, I think she is quite smart growing 2 extra teeth. That is double the money! Smart kid!

Buff had double the wisdom teeth - maybe she has a business plan going here . . .

Anonymous said...

Kathryn, here. Over breakfast this morning, we were discussing the orthodontic appt. that Meredith has today, which eventually led us to viewing the picture of Kailyn's teeth, which led us to the blog, which led us to discussing Kerry's twin sister and then...(not to be disrespectful), but Meredith wondered, "who would name their kid, BUFF?" "Is he a relative of Buffalo Bill? Inquiring minds want to know.