Friday, February 8, 2008


P.S. This also doubles as your birthday card . . .
I didn't forget - I just didn't remember in time to mail a card.
Hey, I may not be thoughtful, but at least I'm consistent!!!

Oh, and its official - you need to come visit (or we need to come visit you) because I have no current pictures of you!

Hint, Hint

Love You,



Kerry said...

Happy Birthday, Dave! 30! Wow, you're making Dad and Mom look old.

We love you and miss you and your family!

Ryan E. D. Hawk said...

The "baby" of the family is 30. WOAH! Even though you moved off and married and had a couple of kids, I still think of you as the scrawny 18-year old kid you were when you moved out west. It's like I'm getting older, but you're not. Happy Birthday Dave.