She listed 10 things that have made her life a little better, so I thought I'd list a few of my own.
1. iTunes-I know Ipods are great, but iTunes has helped expose me to so much more than just what I know for music. Who ever heard of The Republic Tigers, The John Butler Trio, The New Frontiers or Joshua Radin within minutes of logging into iTunes? To a point it is addicting, and very expensive.
2. David Crowder-I like Sovereign Grace Music, but can only take about 2-3 songs in a row before it sounds very redundant. David Crowder combines powerful hymns, songs and theology with his own eclectic modern styles, plus he has a great goatee and haircut.
3. Garmin Nuvi GPS and Navigational Systems-Men can keep their dignity by never asking for directions again.
4. With work we have Treo phones with Sprint access. Having personal email and internet at your fingertips within seconds at all times is a lifesaver. (It can also be very burdensome)
5. Boxes of Matches-With two kids in diapers, and another one on the way, you can only take so much of poopy diapers. You can also insert a general candle list here.
6. I'm a big fan of Berres Bros. over Alterra, but I'm adding my coffee grinder. A true lifesaver for fresh grounds at the right time.
7. In car/van dvd players for the kids, specifically on long trips. Enough said.
8. AT&T U-Verse- Over 300 channels with the ability to DVR-record up to four shows simultaneously, while watching a fifth. Are you kidding me?! And it's only $60?!
9. Sabor's Brazilian Barbeque/Grill in downtown Milwaukee. They feed you up to 12 different kinds of meat on skewers, and don't stop unless you tell them to. Great atmosphere, and a wine room with over 2,000 different bottles to sample. Unbelievably fun!
You guys got anything that you can add to the list?
Add to the list? The only things from your list I've ever really interacted with are the matches, the coffee and the DVD player (and mines not in the car). Enough said.
I'm soooooo far behind the times. It looks like my life could be a lot easier though---hmmmm.
Okay, I think I understand now. I went and read Donette's list and I get the game... sorry. I thought you wanted us to add to your list!
I LOVE our Garmin GPS! Jeff hardly gets to use it, because I always take it with me!! :)
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