Thursday, January 8, 2009

Birthdays . . .

Mikayla had her birthday - ON Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving came Christmas. I know that isn't news to you, but it is my explanation as to why it is now January and I am just acknowledging my child's birthday.

Wow. Did she grow up this year, or what?

This is from last year (or 2007). . .

and this is from 2008 . . .

And all I did was blink.

One plus is that she helped make the cake - perty fancy, heh? We almost gave up in the middle of the project because of a few glitches, but we persevered. What other kind of cake would you suggest - for a birthday on Thanksgiving?

A hamburger, of course!

Owen also conquered another year, and we "celebrated" in the midst of all the other holiday celebrating.

Since he is only turning four, his cake was a little less complicated - although a bit more slimey.

I woke up the next morning and he had made his contribution to the cake.


These other pictures are for Grandma Powers - so she can see what she got him for his birthday. He is trying to position his hands like Spider-man does when he shoots out his web. Still needs a little practice. He really had to think about it . . .

Hurry up, Spidey, the bad guy is getting away . . . .

Close, but don't hold it that way . . .

Got it!

Thank You, Grandma! Call if you need a superhero!


Kerry said...

Your posts always make me laugh. You have the ability to catch your kids at just the right moment.

Thanks for the smile!

Crazy Mom said...

I LOVE that hamburger cake!!! That is SO awesome! How in the world did you make it, and where did you get the idea? That is awesome!

Tina said...


I have a notebook of cake ideas I have collected over the years from various magazines. The hamburger was from an old magazine and Mikayla has wanted to make it for quite a while. It would be easier to show you than to explain how to make it . . .

The kids love the notebook and page through it often planning future birthdays and parties. The older they get, the less energy and creativity I have to pull it off, but then they get better at helping so it becomes a team effort which makes it fun in the end!

You can look through the notebook if you ever need inspiration!

Crazy Mom said...

I would love to borrow that book to look through for some fun ideas! That a great idea! I should start doing that, too! :)