Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Few Random Shots

So, I've been playing with my new toy for a couple of weeks, and have fine tuned a few details on the operation of it. Here are a few new random shots:
(sorry there are so many, I've been busy)

Let me know what you think

Last, but not least, my personal favorite:


Ahmad Hegab said...

Wonderful collection , Thanks for sharing

Tina said...

Very neat. Are these edited or unedited? Mine don't get that clear unless I edit them. I'm trying to figure out why . . .

Tip: Get them printed before you get to many and have to mortgage the house just to pay for them . . . a lesson I learned too late.

Crazy Mom said...

Hey, Ryan- My favorite is the water drop on the leaf - VERY cool! Of course, the one of Aaron made me laugh, too! :)

Ryan E. D. Hawk said...

These are unedited, and copies. Maybe has to do with camera quality, mine being newer and a grade or two above yours. not sure.

Elizabeth said...

Wow, very cool. What kind of camera do you have? I wish I could afford one...

Ryan E. D. Hawk said...

It's a Nikon D80. just got it, but still trying to figure it out. It was pricey, but Ruth saved up for two years and put up with my complaining so she could surprise me.