Kerry told her story about how the firemen came to her house . . .
Here is my story about the fire that came to our house . . .
1. He lit a match. (I know what you are thinking . . . He's 10 - he can reach them no matter where we put them. Kids are "in training" - not "trained.")
2. He blew out the match. (Good boy.)
3. He threw the match into the trash can. (Uh-oh.)
4. The hot match lit the surrounding kleenex on fire. (Oh, junk . . . no pun intended)
5. The boy panicked.
6. He shut the door. (Maybe nobody will notice . . .)
7. He ran outside. (Yes, he left the rest of us to die without him . . . )
8. He continued to panic - but gained enough common sense (and courage) to come and warn us.
9. He told his mother - with the condition that she wouldn't get mad . . . (Now really, why would I get mad???)
10. His mother didn't get mad - but she did move very fast.
11. His mother screamed for his father - who came and saved the day. (My hero.)
12. There was absolutely no damage done - outside of a melted trash can. It happened on a tile floor - away from the walls and cabinets. It still stinks in there though - and there was ash everywhere.
13. The fire alarms never went off. (Now I am mad.) We are working on that. A grace gift of sorts to find out now - while we are still alive.
14. We are buying fire extinguishers too . . .
15. It all counts as school. Fire safety - home-school style . . . (I don't recommend the curriculum though . . .)
16. He was mortified - but is now laughing with the rest of us. It was an accident - but he is investing in a new trash can. Talk about learning your lesson the hard way!
Here is all that remains of the trash can . . .
Each adventure seems to be a bit more dramatic than the last. They are getting a bit to exciting for my blood.
Oh, wait, did I mention blood????
2 thoughts:
1. What? No firetrucks? You could have one-upped me!! I'm almost disappointed in you.... sigh.
2. At what point is the parent w/ pyromaniac(al?) tendencies held responsible for the same tendencies appearing in (his) own children? Just wondering... :0)
Thanks for the laugh, but if you are wondering why the rest of us don't post more... well, the risk is just getting to be too much. We just can't keep up!!
Sooo, does your insurance man know!?!?!?
Oh, Tina! Days at your house are NEVER boring!!! :) Thanks for sharing! ;)
Buff quoted Dad after your snide comment . . . "Hey, I resemble that remark!" He's off the hook though as far as responsibility because he did put the fire out rather than play with it.
The disasters can only get bigger so we are saving the firetrucks for later - I'm sure they have the path to our house mapped out.
Like a good neighbor (literally - he lives the motto). . . we will keep our insurance man working in an economic crisis . . . just doing our part. Unfortunately, his house is attached to ours. I wonder how often he regrets that decision.
You're not kidding . . . they are considering putting a picture of our family next to the definition of "chaos" in the dictionary. We won't change the world, but we will be remembered for almost destroying it . . .
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