Waterloo isn't usually that exciting of a place... unless it's Weiner and Kraut Day, of course. ( I know, I know, you are all wondering why I've never mentioned THAT before... another day. ) Well, this weekend there were several oompa loompa sightings reported in our thriving metropolis. Kristen and Kailyn were among them.
They participated in Waterloo's Community Theatre which produced the musical "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". I think their really is a genetic drama gene. I always loved speech and drama and now they do too. Usually it just manifests itself in rather large dramatic expressions (and outbursts) at home... this time it was channeled and people paid money to come and see it. I may just be on to something here.... hmmmm.
Like I've already hinted, they were oompa-loompas. Here are some pictures and a video of their great performance.
Kailyn singing in the children's chorus (before they became oompa-loompas). Kristen was in the back row and so there are really no performance pictures of her, unfortunately.
In the picture above... that's Kailyn in the front and center w/ the green suit and purple hair... don't you just love it!!
Here they both are post performance. They had 3 performances in total.
The video below was one of at least 6 songs (which you can still hear me humming at any given moment on any given day, by the way... *eye twitches*) that they participated in. This was the only one I could get both girls in since Kristen was in the back... you get the idea. Kristen's wearing a blue shirt (still not sure WHY when everyone else was wearing white...) and is the oompa-loompa at the end who "mistakenly" goes the wrong way.
Very cute! It's hard to picture Kailyn being so into this, but she did a great job. I can totally see Kristen being in future dramatic productions!
Just this morning on the way to summer school the kids had an entire conversation about oompa loompas because they knew Kristen and Kailyn were practicing to be one. They were very excited to get to see them all dressed up.
I don't know though. . . was the purple hair a costume? I swear Kailyn looked just like her mother . . . maybe it was just the green overalls . . .
I have to admit . . . Kristen going the wrong way looked totally planned (and still makes me giggle thinking about it). At least she was confident . . . because it took her a while to realize she was the only one heading the wrong way.
Thanks for sharing!
Ruth-- Kailyn was SO excited to try out but then really panicked when she saw she had to sing a solo and refused to be in it. After a few weeks of watching Kristen she decided she did want to do it and never batted an eye... she loved it.
Tina-- I have no comments for your snide remarks about Kailyn's looks... except to say-- remember we are identical twins. To mock my looks is to mock yourself...
Kristen's wrong way was planned... she accidently did it the wrong way in practice and they thought it was cute so they kept it. Yeah, she over dramatizes things a bit... not sure where that comes from. Probably her aunt.
Yeah, Ruth does get a bit dramatic at times . . .
Kristen must be a natural - because it didn't look staged to me! It does explain her confidence though!
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