Thursday, November 6, 2008


We headed out recently for the excruciating task of attempting to get a family picture for our Christmas card. This year I tried to do it myself with a tripod and a remote for the camera.

Here is an idea of how well the photo session went . . .

"Here, Owen, let me fix your hair . . . "

"Carra, your too stiff. Try crossing your arms . . ."

"Ummm, okay, I better state that differently . . ."

Just had to share my perspective of Owen
being "encouraged" to stand still.
A little over-exposed, if you ask me . . .

"Ummm, Carra, I think you are in the way . . ."

Owen's "not-so-good" side. . .

Buff being "punished" for his side comments trying to make Brice smile.

So, in the end . . . here is our Christmas card picture for 2008 . . . I think it shares the true side of the Powers' family . . . .


Morgen said...

love it!

Laura said...

I love the colors you chose for the clothes, I love the little play-by-play, and I especially love your face (Tina) in the last picture!! Very nice.

Elizabeth said...

Looks like you guys had fun! =)

Where did you do the pictures?